What can YaoYu chromium carbide plate do for vertical mills
Published:2017-06-02 14:43:39    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL
Summary:Vertical mill liners that made from YaoYu chromium carbide overlay plate can greatly improve the service life of the wear parts. The hardfacing overlay of YaoYu wear plate has high wear resistance and also has strong impact resistance and toughness

What can YaoYu chromium carbide overlay plate do for vertical mills

Vertical mill is an important equipment of cement pulverizing system, vertical mill table liners and rollers have to bear heavy abrasive wear and impact during crushing and grinding process due to the high hardness of materials (such as slag, limestone, etc). Normally the workpiece itself does not has good wear resistance, so the service lifetime of the vertical mill liners and rollers are short and can seriously affect the normal production.

Most the cement industries choose to replace damaged spare parts to ensure the production, which is a total waste of money and time.

Vertical mill liners that made from YaoYu chromium carbide overlay plate can greatly improve the service life of the wear parts. The hardfacing overlay of YaoYu wear plate has high wear resistance and also has strong impact resistance and toughness. Chromium carbide wear plate made with VAUTID wires helps you:
1.Save vertical mill downtime and maintenance cost
2.Ensure vertical mill maximum production output and best quality
3.Hardface welding repair can save 30-70 percent of the vertical mill table liners and rollers cost

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YaoYu Chromium Carbide Overlay Plate Fighting Wear